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Notice of Intent
Amendment 1-Information technology-Telecommunications...
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-A:2015 contains descriptions of the IEEE 802® standards published by the IEEE for frame-based data networks as well as a reference model (RM) for protocol standards. The IEEE 802 architecture is defined, and...
Designing Resilient Communities: Protecting people...
Canadian communities are on the frontline of climate change. Without action, future costs from flooding events in Canada alone could reach $13.6 billion (CAD) 1 annually by the end of the century. And the costs are not only...
Notice of Intent
Information technology -- Programming languages...
This Standard specifies a language-neutral and environment-neutral description to define the methodology needed to support the signing of software source code, to enable it to be uniquely identified, and to enable roll-back...
Notice of Intent
Information technology — Programming languages...
This International Standard specifies a language-neutral and environment-neutral description to define the methodology needed to support the signing of software source code, to enable it to be uniquely identified, and to...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Business operational...
1.1 Statement of scope The modelling of a business transaction through scenarios and scenario components is done by specifying the applicable constraints through explicitly stated rules. The Open-edi Reference Model...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Business Operational...
1.1 Statement of scope The modelling of a business transaction through scenarios and scenario components is done by specifying the applicable constraints through explicitly stated rules. The Open-edi Reference Model...
Information technology - Business Operational View - Part 5: Identification and referencing of requirements of jurisdictional domains assources of external constraints
1 Scope 1.1 Statement of scope The modelling of a business transaction through scenarios and scenario components is done by specifying the applicable constraints through explicitly stated rules. The Open-edi Reference Model...
National Community-Sourced Guidance
Summary: A Community-Sourced deliverable is developed as a result of the collection of information using online platforms and allows for the continuous renewal of content, which is of paramount importance. This process does...
(Infographic) CSA PLUS 4013:19 Development, interpretation...
Infographic - CSA PLUS 4013:19 Development, interpretation, and use of rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) information: Guideline for Canadian water resources practitioners
Using Climate Information in Standards Development
Technical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian StandardsTechnical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian...